How To Create A Happy Family - 8 Tips By Research

"Lori Prokop, what are you writing now?" you might object. But bear with me on this.

Finding happiness and success, in my opinion, is about more than just money.

If you aren't happy in your family, this is to remind you that you have the power to change things.

Here are Lori Prokop’s 8 tips to create (or re-create) a happy family:

1) Begin by looking after yourself.

Finding happiness begins with the decision to cultivate a loving spirit capable of producing a joyful family. Develop an energy and attitude that allows your spirit and presence to heal and revive others as well as your family.

2) Take a look at yourself.

"Am I contributing to family happiness or unhappiness?" ask yourself, and offer yourself an honest answer.

3) Encourage each other to have high regard for each other.

Teach by example that each family member embraces and respects the uniqueness of each other.

It's simple to see how people's personalities have formed with a little understanding and insight. Even if you despise someone, you can understand why they act the way they do.

Even the most difficult people become less difficult when the development process and history of their personalities are recognized. People no longer feel the need to defend themselves when they are understood. The feelings of goodwill and true understanding will be created by love and acceptance of each person's history.

4) Choose to live in your Life Guidance System's upper six levels.

There are 21 emotional levels in your body. There are fifteen emotional levels that create what you don't want and six emotional levels that create what you do want. "How can I live in the emotional levels that create more of what I want and lead to finding happiness?" people question.

Don't get involved in family issues. Self-heal and become a cure. Don't tell your family you've made this decision. Just go for it. They'll be able to tell the difference. Positive outcomes will result from your newly chosen emotional levels. Your family members can learn to love and respect one another by following your lead and example.

5) Heal any feelings of distrust or rage within yourself.

It may appear that this is a difficult task. However, it is both possible and necessary for happiness and success.

People make errors. Some people only make them once. Others keep making the same mistakes. Each person is doing the best they can given their level of emotional intelligence.

When someone is cruel, blameful, furious, or attacking, they have a poor level of emotional intelligence. That doesn't mean you have to stay in this unpleasant situation with them.

Make it a habit to love everyone in the family. Because of their personality or behaviors, you may not be able to be around them. You can pray for them, intend for them, or send loving energy their way. They will accept it, and the healing power of love will work in ways that are frequently beyond our wildest dreams.

6) Have no preconceived notions carved out of stone.

Rather, expect the best and be prepared to be surprised. When we expect something certain, our own narrow thinking typically limits the outcome.

Expect not everyone to change at the same time or that it will be simple. For some, the shift appears to be immediate, while for others, it may take some time. Some people will find mending to be simple, while others will need to hit rock bottom before they can begin. Some people gradually let go of toxic attitudes, unhealthy thinking, and detrimental preconceptions, sometimes only after personal anguish or disasters.

This can be difficult since we want things right now. "Lori Prokop, why can't these other folks do the right things?" I think to myself frequently.

Pray for a safe, compassionate, and great healing experience for them. The most crucial aspect is that someone must initiate the healing process. From there, it will pick up for others.

7) Believe in the presence of a higher power.

This is a spiritual, non-religious, non-denominational stage. Miracles can and will occur for individuals who seek assistance from a Source of pure light and love. Choose behaviors and choices that are completely light and kind.

8) Only want the best for each member of your family.

One individual who uses their power of intention to give energy of 100 percent pure light and love to other family members, even if they are unaware of it, will see others driven to change their life over time.

Members will grow deeper in spiritual connection and have an easier time finding pleasure if the desire of 100 percent pure light and love becomes a family practice.

So here's Lori Prokop's take on things. Even the most difficult family situation can be improved in the end. You can assist a family member in achieving achievement while also assisting yourself in achieving happiness.

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